Best Sellers

The Basics
A 4-1 European weave. Nice, simple.
5/16 id 16ga:
3 wide: $7, 4 wide: $8
1/4id 17ga: $10, 4 wide $11
3/16id 17ga: $14, 4 wide $16
A 8-1 bracelet.
5/16id 17ga $16

A kings maille bracelet made of 17ga 5/16id steel
Bracelet: $16
A 4-1 half persian bracelet.
in 5/16id rings: $10
in 1/4id rings: $14
A 3-1 half persian bracelet.
in 5/16id rings: $7
in 1/4id rings: $11
Fools Dilemma bracelet.
in 1/4id rings: $7
in 3/16id rings: $14
in 1/8id: $20 (steel/copper alloy only)
A 4-1 European bracelet with 1/2id 14gauge rings in the middle and 1/4id 17gauge rings on the sides.
Bracelet: $7
A 2-2 bracelet
5/16id: $8
1/4id: $12
3/16id: $16
1/8id: $20
14gauge 1/2id links connected by 16ga 5/16id links.
Bracelet: $5
necklace: $12

2 rows of persian or 2 half rows and one full row of persian.
Bracelet: $20
The Oddities
A strand of zinc nuts and 1/4id maille

Bracelet: $7
4-1 European Variant made from several different sized rings.
4-1 European weave using washers.
bracelet: $8
An iron steel and copper bracelet.
bracelet: $17
A bracelet made from 3/8id copper and 1/4id steel rings.
bracelet: $15
A bracelet made from european strips and 1/2in rings.
bracelet: $8
Same as above except strips are pinched together with smaller rings.
bracelet: $8

The Rest
A 1/4id spiral necklace.
Bronze/galv steel: $27
Stainless: $33 (can be golden brown, silver or both)
A 5/15id 8-1 european necklace with brass/galv steel

Available metal types are galv. steel, annealed steel, aluminum, steel/copper alloy (21ga only), stainless steel (add $3, unless otherwise noted), copper (add $2), brass/red brass (add $2), bronze (add $2), and coming soon mild steel and silver.